Privacy Policy

At i love it, your privacy isn’t just a word; it’s a commitment. Our Privacy Policy will let you know how we handle, respect, and protect the data you trust us with.

We collect data about the way that you interact with our app. We do so because understanding your passions is what makes our platform tick – the more we appreciate what you love, the better your user experience will get. We have no interest in recommending you products that you’ll regret buying, so our constant mission is to serve the right things to the right people every time..

Who we are and how to contact us

i love it is the data controller and responsible for your personal data. Should you need to get in touch with us regarding your personal data, our details are:

ili Global Limited

Email address:

Registered address: 3rd Floor 12 Gough Square, London, England, EC4A 3DW

  1. Who does this policy apply to?

    Anyone who has signed up and engages with our platform, whether you are a shopper, sharer or both.
  2. When we start collecting information and who this applies to

    We collect information from you, when you register, engage with our platform, create and share recommendations and make a purchase
  3. Information we collect and why

    Directly from you:
    - Username: to be shown on your profile in the app, and as your unique identifier so you are able to log into your account
    - Password: so you are able to log into your accountYour name (first name and last name) -  to identify you and be able to deliver orders to you
    - Postal address: so that we can deliver your orders (we will only collect this if you make a purchase) or if you have been seeded any products from our brands to try, we may have requested an address from you
    - Payment details: so we can process your payment and complete your order (we will only collect this if you make a purchase)Country of residence - to verify that you are able to use our platform and make purchases
    - Date of birth: to verify your are over 18 years old and able to use our platform
    - Mobile number and email address: for you to be able to reset your password, and for us to be able to send you important information and (optional) product updates and marketing information to help you get the most out of i love it
    Social media handles (optional): for other users to be able to find you on other platforms

    Please note: we do not store or process your payment details ourselves. They are processed and automatically stored via  our contracted third party payment provider Mangopay.

    From your usage and iterations with our platform:
    There are a few ways in which we collect data when you use the  platform. The categories and types of data we collect in relation to your usage are:
    - Interaction data: as you engage with our platform ( like watching a video or browsing a collection of products)  we collect data about your interactions. This includes information such as how long you might spend watching a video, what content you choose to engage with, which other users you follow, and overall what you look at and click on. This allows us to offer you a personalised experience.
    - Order and transaction data: details about orders and transactions you have made on our platform  including any photographs, sizing or other details you have provided in respect of an order, the payments to and from you, along with other details of products and services you have purchased from us. This is required for us to be able to process orders and transactions, and to personalise your experience.
    - Technical data: details about the device(s) you use to access our platform, including the device model, manufacturer, operating system version, and unique device identifiers. This is to be able to more efficiently troubleshoot any issues and to be able to further personalise your experience.

    Your content:
    Our platform is nothing without the videos, images and other content you upload to recommend products. When you upload any content to the platform - it is visible to other users on i love it, based on its relevance to them and their interests. For us to be able to do this, your content may also be processed by and used to train our recommendation algorithms. We may also run data analysis on the content in order to improve our platform and help you or other users get more out of the content. We will always ensure that we have a legal basis under applicable laws for processing  your personal information, which will generally be our legitimate business interests, or for the performance of a contract with you. Where required, we will always obtain your consent.
  4. App permissions

    When using our mobile app, we'll ask for permissions to use your device’s camera, sensors and microphone, as well as access your device’s photos and media files. This lets you record or upload videos and publish it to the platform as you wish. Rest assured, the control is always in your hands, and we will never access or publish any of your content without your consent. We might also ask for permission to access the contacts on your device in order to allow you to share your content on i love it with them - this is entirely optional. You retain the right to change or revoke any device permissions at any time in your settings including pu. You're in charge.
  5. How we use your information

    In addition to responding to your requests and enquiries, we intend  to offer the best possible experience to our shoppers and sharers all whilst complying with our legal obligations. We’d also like to send you relevant updates that we hope will inspire you to get the best use out of the i love it platform - this could be in the form of newsletters, marketing or info about product upgrades. Hearing from us is completely under your control, so if you ever wish to do so, you can opt out of any non-essential updates by using the unsubscribe link provided in those emails or updating your marketing preferences in your account profile..  You may also choose to receive marketing emails from a brand when you purchase one of their products. Please note that in relation to any such marketing emails, and any processing of your personal data by the Brands in connection with them, the Brand is the controller of your personal data, and i love it is not responsible or liable for any such processing.
  6. Sharing your data

    Your trust is paramount, so let us be clear -  we do not sell your personal data. We might share aggregated or de-identified data for analytical purposes, like aiding sharers in refining content or helping brands feature the right products,  but you cannot be identified through this data, and your personal details always remain strictly confidential.

    We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of third parties:
    A. Suppliers that provide services to us which require the processing of your personal data (e.g. providers of payment processing services or customer relationship management software and services).
    B. In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.
    C. If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our User Terms and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of i love it or its customers, creators or brands.

    We make sure that we have appropriate data processing terms in place between usand the above third parties in order to be in compliance with applicable data protection laws.
  7. Securing your data

    Your data’s security is crucial to us and we take robust measures to protect your information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. Still, it's worth noting that while we strive for maximum security, no digital platform can promise 100% invulnerability. But, know that we're always on our toes to protect you.
  8. Retaining your data

    While most of the data we handle isn't directly personally identifiable and is kept indefinitely, any identifiable data – with the exception of user-provided content like videos and images which may or may not identify the user – is deleted once a user account is terminated, rendering linked usage data anonymous. We will only retain any personal data for a reasonable amount of time and/or as permitted or required by relevant laws. When a user account is terminated, all content provided by that user is removed from the app and will no longer be displayed to other users. A user can also choose to remove any of their content from the platform at any time, without terminating their account.When user-provided content is removed for any reason, we still may retain this content in order to train our recommendation algorithms for as long as it remains relevant. However, removed content will never be displayed on the platform.
  9. Your data rights under GDPR

    You've got rights, and we respect them. If you have a request to access, correct or delete your personal information, we will respond to it swiftly and in line with our legal obligations. These rights are limited in some situations. For example, if we have a legal requirement or a compelling legitimate ground we may continue to process your data even when you request its deletion.

    The vast majority of the data we handle is not directly personally identifiable. Still, if you wish to opt out of data processing of personally identifiable data you can do so by deleting your user account. Any user-provided content that you have uploaded to the platform which may or may not be personally identifiable  is exempt from this rule, as mentioned in the previous section. Still, you are of course within your rights to have this data completely deleted from our systems if that is what you wish and can  do so by sending us an email on from the email address you have registered with, telling us you want to request a data erasure.

    If you ever feel that your data rights aren't being complied with, you can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. In the UK, this is the Information Commissioner (the ICO). We sincerely hope it never comes to that, but it's essential you know your rights.
  10. Policy updates and your information

    The digital world is ever-evolving, and so are regulations and our platform. If we tweak this policy, we'll make sure to keep you in the loop.

    Equally, it’s important you keep us updated on your own personal data, and please let us know if any of your information that we hold changes by updating your account information on the platform or by contacting us at
  11. Third party links

    When using our website it may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. When you leave our website, we encourage you to read the privacy notice of every website you visit.
  12. Have further questions?

    Your thoughts, concerns, and queries matter. If anything about this policy makes you ponder, do reach out to us at

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